My Local Community

Now that the public and separate school boards have started sending out work for my Pathfinders and Rangers to complete at home, I’m going to start generating at home meetings every two weeks to give the girls a bit more time to work on them. This weeks meeting is from the Local Communities Theme.


For an opening I put together a kahoot! quiz on the origins of street names in Toronto.  I originally wanted to run it live during our online meeting but that didn’t work out.  Still the girls can complete it on their own time.  If I had known they would be doing it on their own I might have used Google Forms instead.


This weeks at home meeting activities includes a community photo bingo, favourite places in your neighbourhood and an urban planning activity.

My Local Community


“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”
― Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Spring has Sprung at Home Meeting

Spring has definitely started to show itself here in Toronto. I do recognize that in the North you may have to wait a little longer to say that. Since we can still go outside for walks and practice good social distancing this week’s at home meeting features activities to get the girls out and experiencing nature.


Watch these two short videos by renowned nature artist Robert Bateman on some techniques for how to sketch in nature.


This week’s activities lets the Pathfinders and Rangers take a look at spring from some different angles.  Each activity needs to be done on a walk but can be done on one longer journey or several shorter ones.  All four activities can be found on the Girls First platform under Natural Discoveries

Spring has Sprung


3D Animal Tracks

This website contains 3D models of many Canadian Animal tracks.  They create the models by taking many (20 plus) photos of a track found in the wild from different angles.  In addition to the digital 3D models they also have created 3D printer STL files so if you have access to a 3D printer you can print out the models to show kids in the field.  The site also has instructions for taking your own photos of tracks you may come across to add to their database.  That might be a fun project for Pathfinders or Rangers.


The 3d animal tracks project

You Belong In Pictures

A Winter Camp theme for Guides

Depending on which activities you ran this theme could work well for the Performing Arts, Picture This and/or Singing badges.


You can decorate with Movie posters or some of the posters from Lights, Camera, Action.  Make a marquee for each door with the names of the girls sleeping there.

Outdoor Activities

Go on a photo hike – Have each girl bring a camera with her to camp.  Take a hike around your site stopping where there are interesting things to take photos of.  You can give the girls tips on taking the best photos.  Don’t forget to include: natural, landscape, action and portrait shots.

Indoor Activities

  • Watch a film: You could show an old silent film like The Golden Eaglet or a newer popular film
  • Have a karaoke party
  • Skits or puppet shows



Thoughts for the Day

“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”
― Ansel Adams

“There are no bad pictures; that’s just how your face looks sometimes.”
― Abraham Lincoln

“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” ~ Steven Furtick

Guides Own





Stop Motion Animations

Stop motion animation used to take a lot of specialize equipment but now there are lots of apps for phones, tablets and computer that will allow you to make animations easily. A stop motion animation could be a fun alternative to a skit.

Equipment: A camera, stop motion software, tripod to keep the camera very still (optional)

Location: a box or table so that the backdrop doesn’t change between shots.  The lighting should stay consistent as well.

Actors: You want to pick something that will be easy to move between takes such as:  food, lego, play-do creatures, stuffed animals

Plot: Keep it simple and short.  Each second of film will take up to ten shots.

This is an animation my daughter filmed on her Nintendo 3DS during snack time at camp.

Note: the same software that does stop motion animation may also be able to do time lapse photography.  A time lapse of your camp or meeting can be a lot of fun if you can find a secure place to place your camera.

How to take a Great Selfie

A selfie is a photo taken by the subject, either by holding the camera out away from yourself or using a mirror or a time delay feature.  Selfies have become an increasingly important type of photo since cell phone cameras became so ubiquitous.  Here are some tips for taking good selfies.

  1. Look your best – brush you hair, wear cloths you like etc.
  2. Use good lighting
  3. Try different angles – find your good side
  4. Don’t be too serious
  5. Consider whats in the background
  6. Hold still
  7. Do something interesting
  8. Take more then one shot (but only share the best one)
  9. Be confidant


Cyanotype is a photographic technique that is developed in water.  It was originally used to print blue prints from drawings on thin paper.

You will need:

  • Cynotype paper
  • A collection of objects, these can be natural or manufactured but should have strong shapes to them.
  • Transparencies and markers (optional)
  • A water bath big enough for your paper
  • A sunny, sheltered spot

Have the girls collect some natural objects (I’ve sometimes done this craft at the end of a hike) or you can have a collection of manufactured objects already.  Leaves, sticks, feathers,  keys, buttons and other items with strong profiles work well.  You want items that will sit flat against the paper and create a distinctive outline.

If you want to use transparencies, the girls can write their name or another message on it with the markers.  This should go under any objects being included in the print.

Have them plan out their design before they get the paper out of it’s protective wrapping.  You will get the best results if you work quickly. You can place a piece of clear glass over the objects to prevent wind from shifting them.

Once the girls have placed their items on the cynotype paper it needs to be placed in bright sunlight until it turns white.  This will take between a minute and 10 minutes depending on how bright the sun is that day.

After the paper has turned white, quickly place it in the water.  For distinct prints you want the time between removing the objects and placing the paper in the water bath to be as short as possible.  After a minute or so in the water the white areas on the print will turn blue and the blue areas will turn white.  Then you can remove the paper and set it somewhere flat to dry.

There are two major manufactures of cynotype paper for crafts: Sunprints and Sunart.  They are often available from science and/or educational stores or can be purchased online.



A photograph is more than just
A gift to bring or send.
And more than just the likeness of
A relative or friend.

It is a kindly greeting and
A memory to hold.
Of happy times and pleasant things.
However new or old.

It is a mirror that reflects
Companionship and cheer.
And now and then the wistfulness
That turns into a tear.

A photograph is something to
Adorn a desk or wall.
Or carry in a pocket and
Display to one and all.

It is a faithful portrait
The smile that friendship shares
To add its sunshine and to show
That someone really cares.

– James Metcalfe