Elaine Hodgson Memorial Lone Campership

Fundraising challenges aren’t that common in Canada but I hear they are a common source of funds for Guiding in the UK.  The 1st Canadian Internet Trefoil Guild is selling this crest to raise money for the Elaine Hodgson Memorial Lone Campership.  You can read more about Elaine Hodgson and why the 1st Canadian Internet Trefoil Guild decided to remember her in this manor by going to this post on North Owl’s Nest

Since the crest is a fundraiser, it is more expensive then most at $4 dollars each.  The challenge is optional and eccentric but that makes it rather endearing.

It is divided into three sections where the girls learn about Guiding and Lone Guides in particular, Camping and Bears and Elephants.  You can find all the details here.

Crests can be ordered by e-mail from the 1CITG.

One thought on “Elaine Hodgson Memorial Lone Campership

  1. Thank you! I appreciate the help in spreading the word!

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