WAGGGS/FAO Soils Challenge

The WAGGGS/FAO Soils Challenge is designed to help educate children and young people about the crucial role that soils play for life on our planet.  It is aimed at children 5-16.  It is divided into four parts and your unit must complete at least two activities in each section to complete the challenge:

A. all about soils: explains how soil is formed, what it contains, and the biodiversity found within it.

B. soil uses: describes the myriad ways in which soil supports life on Earth.

C. soil at risk: explains the various factors causing soil degradation.

D. TAKE ACTION: provides tangible ideas for helping to conserve soil and manage it sustainable.

Badges are available from the WAGGGS Shop.

The UN badges are very detailed and may be a great option for a girl who needs more challenge or as a year long theme for your unit.

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